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Juakali's new facial recognition features help you reduce fraud using only a phone camera

Juakali's image recognition feature streamlines the verification of new customers by checking if they already exist in your system, simply through a photograph. Our clients love this feature because it is an efficient, cost-effective, and non-intrusive tool for fraud prevention.

Prevent Spoofing and Identity Fraud

First and foremost, it prevents spoofing—a type of fraud where an unauthorized person attempts to access an existing customer's account, such as to take out a loan. This common type of fraud requires an additional layer of authentication. The video below shows how, with Juakali, the field officer takes a picture of the applicant while completing the loan origination form. The image recognition feature then allows the officer to verify in real-time if the person in front of them matches the account owner.

Prevent Loan Stacking

Moreover, in countries lacking a robust national ID system, the image recognition feature can also prevent individuals from opening multiple accounts and securing loans across different accounts (loan stacking). Similar to the previous example, the field officer only needs to take a picture during the account opening process, and a 1-to-n matching process will be conducted against the existing customer database.

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