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Introducing our new process modeler

The Secret Engine Under the Hood

The process modeler is the secret engine that makes Juakali 10 times faster and more robust than custom software development. It works a bit like Lego. We have Lego pieces for almost everything: a review task for a supervisor, an SMS notification to a customer, or a status update to your CBS. While other software providers need to build these Lego pieces first, we simply piece them together to match your needs. This not only speeds up the process but also significantly reduces the risk of errors, bugs, and delays. With Juakali’s process modeler, modifications can be made in days if your needs change.

The process modeler also makes Juakali 10 times more flexible than traditional SaaS solutions. Continuing with the Lego analogy, traditional SaaS solutions are like one giant Lego piece, making customizations difficult and costly.

Making the Process Modeler Accessible to Our Customers

The new process modeler has a user-friendly interface and is designed to make this powerful tool more accessible to our customers. So instead of relying on the Juakali team for changes and updates, we can train you team do it themselves. Another win for efficiency, both in terms of speed and cost.

Low-Code Power

The process modeler is also why we often describe Juakali as a low-code solution. While "low-code" might sometimes suggest less sophistication, in reality, it is the ultimate tool for building sophisticated workflows. Just as importantly, it allows for easy maintenance and adjustments to evolving needs without the costs and delays of custom software development or inflexible, out-of-the-box solutions.

Whatever your process looks like—from lead management and loan origination to recovery or renewal—we can build it with the modeler and show you how to take control yourself.

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